This KEDGER has created Pando – a brand of hygienic products that are made from natural...
- Graduate News
- School news
This Kedger has sold more than 400 of his brand’s t-shirts, made from French linen, in...
Four KEDGE students are organising a sports trip for a mix of disabled and able-bodied...
KEDGE student and entrepreneur, Dimitri is releasing a line of clothing, “Individu”
Three KEDGE graduates have founded CERF VERT, a participative and ecological forestry...
KEDGE graduates, take part in the next Rentrée Climat and get online training!
You are nominated, you launch a project, a start-up?
This Kedger has come home with the gold from the Deauville Green Awards for his film on...
Geev, co-founded by a Kedger, has earned one of the "Tech for Good” Awards!
KEDGE has created the "Entrepreneural School", an initiative aimed at young people from...
This Kedger has created a brand of clothing that helps preserves the oceans!
4th place for KEDGE in the Figaro Etudiant's ranking of the greenest schools