This KEDGER has created Pando – a brand of hygienic products that are made from natural...
- Graduate News
- School news
KEDGE and the Le Roch-Les Mousquetaires Foundation has 40K€ for entrepreneurs to win
Even though they live on the other side of the world, these KEDGE graduates participate in...
This Kedger has sold more than 400 of his brand’s t-shirts, made from French linen, in...
1995 KEDGE graduate Delphine de Corta (Destouches) launched WoM Consulting on 21 March...
Four KEDGE students are organising a sports trip for a mix of disabled and able-bodied...
You are nominated, you launch a project, a start-up?
Clémence, a KEDGE graduate, found a job after seeking assistance from the KEDGE Alumni...
The KEDGE business incubators are searching for start-ups to be incubated! Apply for...
Time Odyssey: Theme of KEDGE Annual Gala Dinner in Shanghai
A KEDGE graduate has just published "Guerre et eau" (War and Water) by Robert Laffont