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KEDGE graduate Clément Pourtal's documentary wins international award in San Francisco

A KEDGE graduate with a passion for the ocean, Clément won an award at the prestigious International Ocean Film Festival for his documentary: The Blue Quest Palawan.

🌊 Clément Pourtal: committed to the oceans, filmmaker and KEDGE graduate, wins an international award for his documentary: The Blue Quest Palawan!

🎞 Having met with great success with their first documentary, Clément Pourtal and Jérôme Brousse have embarked on a new documentary film focusing on marine conservation, entitled: The Blue Quest Palawan .

Great news! 🌟

" The Blue Quest Palawan " won the Conservation Award at the prestigious

International Ocean Film Festival in San Francisco. 👏

What's more, last month the documentary also won awards in three categories at the Southeast Academy International Film Festival in Manila .

💬 "We are delighted that The Blue Quest Palawan has won an award at this international festival. Our aim was to highlight innovative and inspiring projects that effectively protect the ocean and benefit local people in the iconic Palawan archipelago. We hope to raise awareness and help the projects secure vital funding for their work, which can serve as a model to replicate for the preservation of other threatened areas."

🎞 A documentary filmed in the heart of the Philippines' marine protected areas

So it was to the Philippines where Clément and Jérôme went, and more specifically to theisland of Palawan, located in the heart of the coral triangle, to shoot the documentary: The Blue Quest Palawan. 🌏

This time, the spotlight is on marine protected areas, considered to be the most effective tool for marine protection, with visits to several exciting and inspiring projects.

  • Like the Sulubaaï Foundation , which is restoring marine ecosystems by creating protected areas managed by local communities.
  • Or the Tubbataha Reef Nature Park, a coral atoll with unique biodiversity listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • And the C3 project, which fights to protect an emblematic animal: the dugong.

💙 The Blue Quest action

The Blue Quest goes out to meet marine protection projects to highlight their solutions and the people who work on them. To do this, the team produces documentaries and creates free professional content for them, essential for publicizing their actions.

The first documentary, The Blue Quest Baja California, publicized the work of several marine protection projects in Mexico. Winner of the gold trophy at the Deauville Green Awards and prizes at several other festivals, it has taken these messages around the world. 👏

These actions are made possible by The Blue Quest team and supported by partners such as Pure Ocean, Marine Conservation Institute, dive brand Beuchat and dive operator Dune, as well as by Lilian Degand, founder of Geomesure .

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Elora DUFOUR (KEDGE BS International Business - MACI MSc, 2024) 15 May 2024 à 11h29

Bonjour, où pourrait-on visionner ce documentaire svp ? Merci :)

Mathilde BOUGRIER (KEDGE BS Programme Grande Ecole / ESC, 2020) 22 May 2024 à 12h14

Bonjour, le documentaire n'est pas encore disponible pour le visionnement, car il est actuellement en tournée dans les festivals. Cependant, il sera accessible d'ici la fin de l'année.