🎓 A KEDGE adventure rich in learning and experience
I entered Sup de Co Marseille (now KEDGE) in 1992, in parallel admission after a DEUG A in sciences. During those years, I learned to juggle many activities: vice-president of the BDS, Erasmus student in Florence, supervisor at a secondary school in Aix-en-Provence one and a half days a week, and steward with Air France during the vacations. I also practiced triathlon intensively, a demanding sport that taught me how to manage my time and balance work and leisure, essential skills for becoming an entrepreneur.
After graduating, I did my military service in the French Navy, on a warship based in La Réunion. This year enabled me to travel, think about my projects and learn Portuguese, a language I now master.
On my return, I worked for two years at Décathlon in Aubagne as a floor manager, where I benefited from exceptional training. Then I decided to move to Portugal. I first worked there as a change management consultant, traveling between several European countries, before joining AXA in Lisbon as CRM manager. I then held the position of Chief of Staff to the CEO of a major Portuguese group.
In 2008, my husband and I decided to follow our dream of opening a guesthouse in the heart of Lisbon. What began as a 7-bedroom project has evolved, as opportunities have arisen, into a chain of hotels now comprising 250 rooms in 11 establishments in Lisbon, Porto and Seville.
🎯 Shiadu: values at the heart of our development
Shiadu Hotels is founded on core values: sustainability, hospitality, inclusion, authenticity, dedication and uniqueness. These principles guide all our decisions, whether it's our management practices, our relationships with our employees or the customer experience we aim to deliver.
In 2018, we expanded our project with the acquisition of a ruined farmhouse, which we transformed into an organic farm. Here we produce organic eggs, jams, juices, preserves and herbal teas, all of which are used in our hotels to provide a unique experience for our guests.
🫶 A strong social commitment
Social impact is a pillar of our business. We collaborate with local associations to offer jobs to young LGBT people expelled from their homes or to refugees seeking integration.
We have also carried out projects in Africa, such as renovating an orphanage in Tanzania and financing a school in São Tomé and Principe.
In 2025, we will be stepping up our actions with the launch of new projects via our foundation, combining job creation, coaching and support for the underprivileged.
Through our association "Happier Lives by Shiadu" and partnerships with various organizations, we work to reduce social inequalities and support people in vulnerable situations (children, students, young workers, refugees).
🚀 Shiadu,an inspiring vision of the future
In 2008, my husband and I decided to set up a guest house in Lisbon. Growth opportunities soon led us to develop SHIADU, a chain of ethical and committed hotels that today boasts 250 rooms in 11 establishments in Lisbon, Porto and Seville, with expansion projects underway.
In 2018, we strengthened our commitment by creating an organic farm and processing workshop, which have become pillars of our sustainable approach. This farm supplies our hotels with local products such as organic eggs, jams, juices and herbal teas. This project perfectly reflects SHIADU's core values: sustainability, inclusion, authenticity and commitment.
Our vision for the coming years is to become the world's most trusted companion for meaningful, authentic holidays. In addition, this year we have just won the highest award for SMEs in Portugal, the PME Excelência, which rewards companies that meet all the criteria for good financial health. In 2025, we're also going to start developing our franchise network, so that we can reach more people more quickly.
The key to their success? Surround yourself with the right people from the outset, stay true to your values, and focus on organic growth.
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Georges KLENKLE (EUROMED Programme Grande Ecole / ESC, 1995) 10 December 2024 à 14h30
Félicitation Alexandre !
Noémie DE LATTRE (BEM Programme Grande Ecole / ESC, 2011) 08 January 2025 à 14h51
Un bel article qui m'a fait sourire de part les similitudes que j'ai retrouvé avec mon parcours : j'ai habité à l'île de la Réunion quand j'étais petite, j'ai travaillé chez Décathlon en responsable de Rayon au Brésil, j'ai travaillé aussi dans l'hôtellerie, et je parle donc portugais pour avoir habité 6 ans au Brésil. Je lis aussi le mot "coaching" sur la fin et c'est maintenant mon nouveau métier !
Un bel article qui m'a donc inspiré car en lien avec tous les univers que j'aime !
Merci beaucoup et bravo à vous pour ces belles réalisations.
Noémie de Lattre, Une ESCALE en Vous.