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Fatou Ndiaye, KEDGE graduate: between social innovation and female empowerment

Transforming businesses through gender equity

Fatou Ndiaye is a woman of many facets. Entrepreneur, investor, lecturer, podcaster, Canal+ presenter, UN expert... she wears many hats with brio. Founder of The Great Village, a cooperative incubator based on bartering, and of The Wonders, an NGO dedicated to women's entrepreneurship, Fatou embodies committed and inspiring leadership. Let's delve into the world of a woman of a thousand talents.

A daring globe-trotting career 🌏

Fatou Ndiaye, a graduate of KEDGE BS's Master in International Sales & Business Development , exemplifies the power of daring. From the time she was an exchange student in Jakarta, she learned to face multicultural challenges with resilience.

With an international dream and just 3,000 euros in her pocket, she moved to Singapore, where she rose through the ranks of a pharmaceutical company to manage projects in 40 countries. In Sydney, she shone at KPMG, becoming National Head of International Trade and developing digital solutions for international expansion.

Nhuma Consulting Lab: when equity becomes a superpower ✊✨

Back in France, Fatou founded Nhuma Consulting Lab, a visionary organization that transforms gender equity into a performance driver for businesses.

Its flagship tool, La Fresque de l'Équité, inspires and sensitizes professionals to gender inequalities.

More than 70 companies, from the CAC 40 to startups, have already adopted this collaborative workshop, led by a team of 60 experts across France.

Beyond this tool, Nhuma Consulting Lab offers interactive training and tailor-made strategies to help companies turn their inclusive ambitions into concrete results.

An activist for women and social impact 💪🌟

Fatou also co-founded The Great Village, an incubator that has facilitated the exchange of over €5 million in resources to support impact entrepreneurs.

With The Wonders, she dedicated herself to female empowerment.

This organization has helped thousands of women develop their audacity through training programs and inspiring initiatives such as the Trophées Femmes d'Impact.

Fatou en Mode: celebrating cultural and sustainable diversity 🌸🌍

Since 2022, Fatou has hosted the documentary series "Fatou en Mode - Les Nouveaux Explorateurs", broadcast on Canal+. This round-the-world journey explores responsible fashion and sustainable crafts in destinations such as Mexico, Mongolia and Senegal. The series highlights sustainable solutions and unique craft traditions.

His mantra for future leaders: "DARE!" 🚀

Fatou encourages KEDGE graduates and students to cultivate boldness:

"Don't be afraid to think outside the box. Every challenge is a chance to grow. Connect with the right people, believe in your ideas, and turn your dreams into reality."

With her inspiring career path and multiple commitments, Fatou Ndiaye embodies inclusive leadership and entrepreneurial girl power, proving that boldness can redefine the professional world.

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