Alice Caperan, Co-Founder of Halo: An entrepreneur at...
Comète, the start-up that guides women leaders, co-founded by KEDGE graduate Patricia Udekwe
In a world where women are often under-represented in leadership positions and where gender equality remains a challenge, initiatives like Comète guide women to new professional heights.
At the heart of this mission, Patricia Udekwe, a KEDGE graduate and co-founder of Comète, embodies this visionary and committed spirit.
🌎 Patricia, a KEDGE graduate with an international background and co-founder of Comète
🎓 Patricia, a graduate of the ESC Bordeaux class of 1998, has spent most of her career abroad. Between 10 years in the USA and 4 years in South Africa, she has accumulated a wide range of international experience. Her professional quest took her from Boston, where she was Global Head of Online Marketing in the online education sector. From there, after initial positions in marketing, she moved on to the world of organizational transformation consulting, first with the consulting firm Accenture, then with major international groups. This cultural and professional diversity has profoundly shaped her vision of the world and fueled her passion for reinventing leadership models, and propelled her entrepreneurial adventure: the birth of Comète! 🚀
Through the corridors of KEDGE, Patricia found much more than an academic education: she discovered an ecosystem rich in opportunity and diversity :
💬 "KEDGE helped me become a person who dares to take her place without having to apologize for who I am. When I arrived at KEDGE, I discovered a world that was quite new to me, with people from very different social and geographical backgrounds. Scholarship students like me could be counted on the fingers of one hand, but despite that, I found my place there quite naturally. It opened up a world of possibilities for me. I got very involved in community life.
🚀 Comète: The community dedicated to women managers and future managers
Comète is not only a community dedicated to women leaders, but above all a deep commitment to the professional and personal development of women. Comète's goal is clear: to propel women to the heights of their careers by offering them a space of authenticity, support and growth. ✨
As co-founder, Patricia, sculpts bespoke leadership programs, leads a team of executive coaches expert in group facilitation techniques and collective intelligence development tools. With over 200 women coached, Comète stands out as a major player in the world of women's leadership, offering women leaders a tailored leadership program, a solid network and a committed community. ✊
🎯 Towards the horizon: Comète's aspirations
🔜 But the Comète adventure doesn't stop there. In just two years, Comète has accompanied over 200 women leaders from the finest French and international companies, with a 93% satisfaction rate. By 2024, Comète aims to develop partnerships with companies willing to invest in the success of their women leaders, and thus boost the performance of their businesses. Comète also wants to continue to embody authenticity, ambition and solidarity. With 220 women leaders, 30 active boards and 15 executive coaches, Comète lights the way to a future where gender equality is a reality. 🤝
💬 Any advice for KEDGE graduates and students?
"I'm a great believer in taking action and experimenting, which is what allows us to discover ourselves and make choices that are in line with who we are. I've never had a career plan, I've changed countries every 4 years, I've changed jobs, I've changed working languages, all of which has nourished me enormously and continues to nourish me. For me, the key is to know how to take intentional action. This can involve getting to know yourself and cultivating an openness, curiosity and growth minset. I'm very fond of this phrase by Nelson Mandela: "I never lose, either I win or I learn." 💡
Advice to KEDGE graduates and students
💬 "My advice for KEDGE graduates and students aspiring to follow a similar path would be to cultivate curiosity and perseverance. Dare to think outside the box, explore your passions above all else and don't be afraid to fail, because every failure is a learning opportunity. Take advantage of KEDGE's exceptional resources and network, get involved in concrete projects and don' t underestimate the power within you. Believe in yourself, believe in your project; nothing is impossible. 💪
Starting a business can be demanding, but it's also an exciting adventure that will enable you to discover your true abilities and make a positive contribution to the world around you. Stay committed, stay passionate, keep learning all the time and the results will be there." 🌟
In conclusion, Comète and its team continue to elevate women to new heights, offering a space for both professional and personal fulfillment. In an ever-changing world, their mission resonates as a promise of a more inclusive and egalitarian future for all. 🚀
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