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Created in 2020, Kimpa is the first impact family office in Europe, with offices in France and Spain.
We assist entrepreneurial families who want to contribute to a sustainable world by directing their capital towards high impact projects for the planet, and across generations.
Our unique combination of know-how [...] lets us understand the generational challenges of our clients and a 360° strategic vision is ensured through the use of our proprietary monitoring and decision support tools.
"Kimpa supports the three-circle model in entrepreneurial families, which are: family, shareholders, and directors. It co-creates its services with its clients and makes sure they are adapted to their needs, whether they involve governance, impact investment, wealth management, or equity financing.

Recognised as the 1st Family Office with Social and Environmental Impact in Europe, Kimpa is proud to further its pioneering work among family offices by obtaining the Benefit CorpTM certification.
In France, the B CorpTM certification has been offered since the end of 2015 and has a community of around 160 members, which reflects the European economy with companies of various sizes and from a wide range of industries. Kimpa is the first family office to have joined them.
In obtaining the B CorpTM certification, Kimpa joins a community of more than 2,700 companies in the world that have reinvented how they do business by reconciling profit-making and public interest.
Founded in the United States in 2006, the group includes well-known companies (such as Ben & Jerry's, Patagonia, Nature & Découvertes, and Triodos Bank) as well as young innovative companies (La Ruche qui dit oui, Squiz, FairPhone). What they have in common is that they combine economic performance with having positive impacts on the planet.
It was only natural that Kimpa should decide to incorporate its commitments in its articles of association by becoming an "Entreprise à Mission" (Business with a Mission), making it the 1st Family Office to be awarded the "mission" label in France. Incorporated in the Pacte Law "on the growth and transformation of companies", which was voted into law in the spring of 2019, the status of an Entreprise à Mission reflects the idea that, in addition to the quest for profit, companies must take into account the common good.
Kimpa's commitment to the public interest is in keeping with the agency's values of going further in supporting companies with their major transitions, as well as providing advice on their family governance so that each generation can continue to conduct their business with total peace of mind.

Deeply committed to its reason for being: "Directing capital towards projects that have a high impact on the planet and society", Kimpa guides entrepreneurs, family businesses, institutions, and companies toward impact investing.
Based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, impact investing is dedicated to investing in companies that, in addition to being mindful of their footprint, will actively contribute to solutions that address societal challenges, such as the climate crisis, migration issues, plastic pollution, the circular economy, and reducing inequality.
Thus, the company's primary objective is to promote the social and environmental dimensions in all aspects of wealth management. To do this, Kimpa assembles and then monitors tailor-made sustainable solutions for its clients in all its categories of investment: listed portfolios, real estate, alternative investments, impact private equity, and impact investment banking.
"Environmental commitments are no longer an option but a must for all companies and we are convinced that it is necessary to reconcile profitability and positive impact. We are working to develop an environmentally coherent economy and to implement any necessary changes to limit and reduce our impact on the climate and biodiversity".
Olivier Rieu, Co-Founder of Kimpa and private management expert.

Useful contacts:
- Julien LESCS:
Olivier Rieu:
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