Brassons des Connexions: Visit and...
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Today, KEDGE Business School has more than 74,000 alumni on all 5 continents. Our mission: to stimulate and energise the network anywhere our alumni are located through professional clubs and branches abroad.
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Your Nantes branch is pleased to invite you to its next afterwork 🍻 Anne-Laure & Philippe, your antenna hosts, invite you to join them at Mauricette's (Place Viarme) for a convivial...
We're looking forward to it: the next afterwork will be on Thursday June 6 from 7pm at Mauricette's (Place Viarme) 🍻 We'll be delighted to welcome Laëtitia GENESTE, a PGE graduate, who will be...
To celebrate the arrival of spring, your KEDGE Alumni branch in Nantes invites you to meet up in a friendly venue that regular kedgers know well, ideally located and ideal for an afterwork 🍻 ...
Your KEDGE Alumni branch in Nantes is pleased to invite you to a unique event on the theme of "Sexism and Inequality". 📆 RDV Thursday November 16th at 7pmChez B.B, Bistro & Bar à vins ...
It's the grand return of your Nantes branch! And with a fresh start comes renewal! The host of your branch, Philippe CHARLES, is pleased to offer you a new format for this first event of the year in Nantes: 🗓️ MEET ON 8 JUNE...
Dear graduates living in Nantes and the region! We are finally able to have social meetups again… thanks to our faithful host Philippe CHARLES who gives the “THE” in the relaunch of the activities of our Branch! To maintain...
Attention KEDGE Alumni in Nantes! Our faithful local host, Philippe CHARLES, has organised another casual meetup for Kedgers, with the usual menu... Meet at the Branch HQ: "The 19 March, I COTEP" ... or, for the new arrivals,...
Attenton Alumni in Nantes! Our local host, Philippe Charles has organised an evening back-to-school party for Kedgers in Nantes and its region! Meet at the the headquarters of the Alumni branch on Thursday, 3 October at 7:00...
Attention alumni of Nantes! Our local coordinator, Philippe Charles has organised a social evening for the Kedgers of Nantes and the region for the start of 2019! Over the years, because of its location on the I'lle Feydeau...
Attention Kedgers in the Nantes region! Philippe Charles, our local host, has organised a casual evening social for alumni in Nantes on Thursday, 18 October at Bar Côté Plage! Located on the l'Ile Feydeau in the centre of...
Georg SCHUH - Class of 1990 Chief Investment Officer of EMEA and Management Board Member - Deutsche Asset Management International GmbH - Frankfurt is pleased to address students during his visit to Kedge on Monday, 8...
Attention KEDGE Alumni in Nantes! Our local Manager is organising a get together for our graduates on Thursday, the 14th of June! Philippe CHARLES, Manager of the KEDGE Alumni branch in Nantes, has specially chosen Le Bar...
"Nantes, green capital of Europe, Nantes, metropolis of possibilities, in Nantes, and nowhere else" Philippe Charles, the manager of the Alumni Branch in Nantes, is pleased to invite Kedgers to get together at the start of...
Nantes is one of the top 10 cities in France in which to live and work... and we have a community of almost 400 graduates! Philippe Charles, our dynamic Nantes alumni coordinator, is delighted to invite you to a convivial...
The next meetup for Alumni in Nantes will take place September 27, 2017, at 7:00 pm at the Bar Côté Plage, Quai Turenne. Philippe CHARLES, a KEDGE Alumnus and the manager of the Alumni Branch in Nantes, is pleased to be your...
The next graduate meeting in Nantes will take place on September 27, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the Bar Côté Plage, Quai Turenne. Philippe CHARLES will be delighted to welcome you. Come and network, and don't hesitate to tell any...
The next graduates' meeting in Nantes will take place on Thursday, June 11, 201519h00 Bar Côté Plage 14 Quai Turenne44000 Nantes Contact: Julie Pachon This convivial evening will enable you to develop your network! ...
The next graduates' meeting in Nantes will take place on Thursday, February 05, 201519h00 Pub Webb Ellis 6 rue Santeuil- Place de la petite Hollande44000 Nantes This convivial evening will enable you to develop your...
The next graduates' meeting in Nantes will take place on Thursday, October 30, 2014 19h00 Webb Ellis Pub 6 rue Santeuil - Place de la petite Hollande44000 Nantes This convivial evening will enable you to develop your...