Afterwork in Montreal: Connect, share &...
To get the new year off to a good start, join us for a friendly and dynamic afterwork session, with plenty of opportunity for exchange and good humor! 🌟 Date: Monday, January 27, 2025Time: From...
Today, KEDGE Business School has more than 74,000 alumni on all 5 continents. Our mission: to stimulate and energise the network anywhere our alumni are located through professional clubs and branches abroad.
To get the new year off to a good start, join us for a friendly and dynamic afterwork session, with plenty of opportunity for exchange and good humor! 🌟 Date: Monday, January 27, 2025Time: From...
Gwendoline DUVAL, host of the Montreal office, is pleased to offer Canadian kedgers, or those visiting Montreal, an evening of networking and conference dedicated to the exciting world of influencer...
Summer is here, bringing with it sunshine, warmth and an irresistible desire to get together. Come and network to the sound of the clanking of pétanque balls and Molky! 🗓️ Date: 13 June 2023 🕜 Time: 5:30 to 10:00 pm 📌 Place:...
Dear friends of the KEDGE network, I would like to thank you for so many of you coming to our last event and wish you a fabulous 2023. I wish you much success in your plans, many great encounters, and good health! Let's start...
Kedge Alumni events are back in Montreal! After a break due to the pandemic, we invite you to an aperitif conference and networking event on November 2 at the Signifly digital agency in downtown Montreal. We'll be hosted by ...
Attention KEDGE alumni in Montreal! Marie Broudic and Gwendoline Duval, our local animators in Montreal, invite alumni to come to our next meeting and discover sports in the business world. Whether it's to motivate teams, or...
Attention Alumni of Tokyo! Our local host, Miléna Osika, invites Kedgers to get back together for a casual social for the start of 2019. Miléna has chosen a Japanese restaurant this time. The meet-up will be held at ...
Attention Alumni in Canada! Our local branch in Montreal, hosted by Gwendoline Duval and Marie Broudic, and in partnership with ESC Pau, Grenoble School of Management, Toulouse Business School, and Montpellier Business...
Attention alumni in Montreal! Following the success of our last Alumni get together in Montreal, our local hosts Gwendoline Duval and Marie Mougin have the pleasure of inviting Kedgers to a very exceptional meeting on T...
Attention all Alumni in Montreal! Because we must make the summer last as long as possible, and we mustn’t forget our roots, the hosts of our Montreal branch, Marie Broudic and Gwendoline Duval, invite Kedgers to attend a...
Kedgers in Montreal – mark the 16th of June in your calendars! Summer has arrived in Montreal, and now’s the chance to get together to network around a barbecue/picnic in the park. Because good relationships can also be...
For all Alumni in Montréal, an exceptional event! Tuesday, April 10th from 6:00 to 8:00 pm, your managers are pleased to invite you to come discover one of the successes of the Kedge network: the GEEV application, in the...
Attention Kedgers in Montreal! On Thursday, March 22th, our alumni from the branch in Montreal are pleased to invite you to an informative evening, for the second meet-up of 2018! Do you want advice on how to declare your...
On the occasion of the visit of Patrick SEGUIN, President of the Bordeaux Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Pascal FAUGERE, Director General of the Bordeaux CCI, KEDGE BS Alumni is inviting all alumni in NYC to a breakfast...
Marie Broudic and Gwendoline Duval, the managers of the Alumni branch in Montréalwish you a very Happy New Year 2018 Once again, this year, we will organise conferences and networking opportunities, as well as the traditional...
Marie Broudic and Gwendoline Duval, the dynamic managers of our KEDGE Alumni Branch in Montreal, are pleased to invite you to an exceptional Alumni event and a chance to meet: Tashina GIRAUD, Director of the KEDGE Campus in...
Marie Broudic and Gwendoline Duval are pleased to invite you to the End of Summer Bocce Ball Tournament. Wednesday, September 13, 2017, from 5:30 pm at the Parc Lafontaine Bocce Ball Courts - Parc Lafontaine ...
Let's celebrate summer in Montreal! Marie BROUDIC, ESC class of 2007, Gwendoline DUVAL, Cesemed class of 2010 and Guillaume CAULIER, IMPI class of 2006, the dynamic trio of managers for the Alumni Branch in MONTREAL, are...
Marie BROUDIC, Guillaume CAULIER, Gwendoline DUVAL and Olivier FRANCOIS, our dynamic hosts for the Alumni Branch in Montréalcordially invites all Kedge alumni in Montréal, to a special evening with: Bernard COVA, Marketing...
Marie BROUDIC, Promotion ESC 2007, Gwendoline DUVAL, Cesemed 2010 et Guillaume CAULIER, IMPI 2006, notre dynamique trio d'animateurs de l'antenne de MONTREAL, a le plaisir de vous inviter à vous retrouver pour une soirée...