Afterwork in Montreal: Connect, share & karaoke!
Afterwork in San Paolo
Thematic casual evening for KEDGE alumni in San Paolo
Alumni in San Paolo, be sure to mark the 31st of May in your calendar!
Jérémie Martinez, a 2001 KEDGE graduate and the new manager of the Alumni Branch, is holding her second meeting on Thursday, 31 May.
Her special guest is Flávia de Barros Monteiro, a lawyer and specialist in copyright law and social communication.
The purpose is to make alumni aware of the legal impacts and consequences of publishing on the internet (websites, social networks, adverts, etc.), not only by their business, but also in their personal capacity.
Jérémie has chosen le Canaille Bar for this themed get together for Kedgers. This “trendy-but-not-too-much” bar, with a garden terrace in the back, is the ideal spot for a successful casual meeting!
Be sure to come and spend some time with other Kedgers, chat with Flávia, and get to know Jérémie (for those who weren’t able to attend the April meeting)!
The KEDGE Alumni network subsidises this event. Be sure to register on this site, to the right.
Meeting of 19 April
About Your Event
rua Cristiano Viana, 390 - Cerqueira Cesar
Sao Paulo
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Jérémie MARTINEZ (EUROMED Diplôme du Programme Ingénieur d'affaires, 2001) 18 May 2018 à 13h40
Bonjour ! Pour cette session de Mai, nous recevrons Flávia de Barros Monteiro qui est avocate et spécialiste du droit d?auteur et de communication sociale. Elle nous expliquera les impacts et conséquences juridiques des publication sur l?internet (sites, réseaux sociaux, publicités, etc.) qui peuvent être faites par vos entreprises mais aussi à titre personnel.
Jérémie MARTINEZ (EUROMED Diplôme du Programme Ingénieur d'affaires, 2001) 18 May 2018 à 16h09
Venez avec vos questions !