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Your coaches

Emmanuel JOLY

"The species that survive are not the strongest, nor the most intelligent, but those that best adapt to change.”

I am a coach, trainer, and speaker on job search techniques and Personal Branding. I‘ve also authored “Les 6 étapes pour convaincre un recruteur en entretien.” (The six steps to convince a recruiter in an interview.) 

In a nutshell, I’ve coached:

  • +500 students and graduates per year, from French business schools, engineering schools, and universities, including KEDGE Business School, Aix-Marseille University, IAE d'Aix-Marseille, and Faculté d'Avignon.
  • +50 professionals per year in their career transition, job search, career management, professional negotiations, etc.
  • +30 athletes with their career reorientation.
  • +30 training sessions per year for companies, including EDF, Novartis, Sanofi, Mercedes, Surfrider, and the Aix-Marseille Chamber of Commerce.

Additionally, I teach public speaking, emotional intelligence, time management, and meeting facilitation. Lastly, I also coach football in Marseille and am involved in cultural, social, and charitable activities

Laurence MÉNARD

I have always been a strong believer in the power of people behind the performance of companies. I assist leaders, managers, and students in regaining their confidence and leadership skills. This coaching enables you to take concrete and positive actions for your transformation.

My vision of coaching is one of openness, benevolence, commitment, and engagement.

My experience of almost 23 years in financial management combined with a natural human resources sense gives me a pragmatic view of business practices. My approach as a professional coach completes my approach to setting goals and action plans. I graduated from Kedge Business School - Bordeaux in 1998, with a degree in Auditing and Finance, and have been a certified professional coach since 2021.


  • decision-making as to your career orientation
  • entering into the labour market
  • reflecting on your life plan and solving personal problems
  • integrating into a company or taking up a position
  • bouncing back from a difficult situation
  • acquiring a different attitude and asserting yourself with more poise and self-confidence
  • performance-related issues
Florence BOUCARD

A certified coach (HEC Executive Coaching) and graduate of a business school, I have over 18 years' experience in the corporate world, including 14 in management positions in major companies in the pharmaceutical and insurance sectors.

Today, I coach women and men on issues such as taking on new roles, leadership, managing relationships with their teams and superiors, and developing potential.
I also offer a leadership program based on self-knowledge.

Committed, sensitive and a good listener, my approach is profoundly at the service of the individual in a spirit of efficiency.

I am a member of EMCC, the European Mentoring & Coaching Council. I respect their code of ethics.

Yasmine BERCY

“In life, nothing is to be feared, everything is to be understood.”

As a professional coach, I assist students, professionals, and women in developing their talents and their potential. I’ve held operational positions within the United Nations and in major international groups, both in France and abroad.

Often stuck in a demanding (professional and/or personal) situation, seeking the help of a coach can save you time, make you work on your strengths, help you identify your obstacles, and help you take a step back to look at your situation from another angle.

My approach: I offer "tailor-made" solutions to accelerate professional success and fulfilment.

I'm particularly attentive to interculturality, orientation, entrepreneurship, change management, and innovation. Today, I am a Certified Coach Trainer and HR Consultant for public and private organisations as well as individuals in the New Aquitaine region.

I am also an International Coach for the KEDGE BS Alumni Association.


"Feet on the ground and head in the stars"


As a Certified Professional Coach, I spent the first 25 years of my career as an HR Director in large public and private organizations, mainly in the luxury and cultural sectors, with particular expertise in the performing arts.

My in-depth knowledge of human resources encompasses areas such as recruitment, social dialogue, salary policy, career management and training.

In 2020, I obtained the state-approved professional certification of Expert Coach, as well as the "Accompagner les transitions professionnelles" certification.

Guided by my desire to share and my taste for challenges, I gave a new meaning to my career a few years ago by embarking on entrepreneurship and putting people at the heart of my business. I now devote all my time and energy tohelping individuals and teams achieve their professional goals, whether they are integrating, taking up a new post or making a career transition.

I currently run a skills assessment practice based in Anglet in the Basque Country. In addition to my professional coaching services, I provide consulting and mentoring services in the field of human resources.

I also provide support as a volunteer for an association that assists executives and young graduates in their job search, career transition or start-up phase.

I'm passionate about what I do and dedicated to helping people reach their full professional potential.

Fawzia GRAND

"The path taken is much more instructive than the goal achieved. We all have the resources within us to find the answers. The most important thing is to have access to them!”

As a certified behavioural agility and neuroscience coach (individual/team coaching), HR consultant (skills assessment, career development, outplacement, group facilitation, co-development, priority management, public speaking, etc.) and certified in MBTI, ComProfiles, TLP, and Codev, I've made my profession a precise and demanding work of art that doesn't allow for improvisation.

The most recent colours I’ve added to my canvas are emotional intelligence "to be more than a guide" for your teams, and behavioural agility "to be more than a manager" for your employees.

Finally, the most beautiful of my colours, which I use in all my coaching (individuals or teams), is the practice of neuroscience: "How to become an ally of the great stranger, your brain".

The more defined your goal, the more structured your action plan becomes. The more you have your sights on the short-, medium- and long-term, the more likely you are to get to where you want to be.


"Open up the field of possibilities so they will dare to behave and act differently to succeed in the long term and with pleasure."


As a professional development consultant, I'll help you to turn your career plans into reality with peace of mind. If you're an executive in stagnation, I'll be at your side to help you find new professional momentum and use your skills in a way that's more in line with your real aspirations.

With 20 years' experience in multinational companies in management and talent management, I specialise in international career paths. I have a Master's degree in International Management from Dauphine /American University in Washington DC, and am a certified practitioner of skills assessment, sophrology and collective intelligence. My aim is to enable you to :

Discover your potential: Dare to dream and explore the field of possibilities to define a career plan that suits you.
Boost your confidence: Develop a positive mindset and prepare to take on any challenge with optimism and determination.
Master the codes: Refine your application, prepare for interviews and master presentation techniques to land the job you want. Taking account of cultural specificities in an international environment.
To help you along the way, I provide a friendly, reassuring environment that encourages free expression. My in-company experience, combined with my qualifications, guarantees you practical, realistic support. I'm aware that every career path is unique, so I adapt my coaching to your needs.

 🎯 Fluent in English, I'd be happy to help you understand cultural gaps and how to optimize your resume and cover letter to streamline your job search in France."


Jean-Baptiste TISSIER

"Faced with a changing world, it's better to think about change than to change the bandage". F. Blanche


As a certified behavioural agility and neuroscience coach (individual/team coaching), HR consultant (skills assessment, career development, outplacement, group facilitation, co-development, priority management, public speaking, etc.) and certified in MBTI, ComProfiles, TLP, and Codev, I've made my profession a precise and demanding work of art that doesn't allow for improvisation.

The most recent colours I’ve added to my canvas are emotional intelligence "to be more than a guide" for your teams, and behavioural agility "to be more than a manager" for your employees.

Finally, the most beautiful of my colours, which I use in all my coaching (individuals or teams), is the practice of neuroscience: "How to become an ally of the great stranger, your brain".

The more defined your goal, the more structured your action plan becomes. The more you have your sights on the short-, medium- and long-term, the more likely you are to get to where you want to be.


"Public speaking is not about saying what you set out to say, but about going beyond it thanks to the audience" Stéphane André 

As a certified behavioural agility and neuroscience coach (individual/team coaching), HR consultant (skills assessment, career development, outplacement, group facilitation, co-development, priority management, public speaking, etc.) and certified in MBTI, ComProfiles, TLP, and Codev, I've made my profession a precise and demanding work of art that doesn't allow for improvisation.

The most recent colours I’ve added to my canvas are emotional intelligence "to be more than a guide" for your teams, and behavioural agility "to be more than a manager" for your employees.

Finally, the most beautiful of my colours, which I use in all my coaching (individuals or teams), is the practice of neuroscience: "How to become an ally of the great stranger, your brain".

The more defined your goal, the more structured your action plan becomes. The more you have your sights on the short-, medium- and long-term, the more likely you are to get to where you want to be.


"Public speaking is not about saying what you set out to say, but about going beyond it thanks to the audience" Stéphane André 

As a certified behavioural agility and neuroscience coach (individual/team coaching), HR consultant (skills assessment, career development, outplacement, group facilitation, co-development, priority management, public speaking, etc.) and certified in MBTI, ComProfiles, TLP, and Codev, I've made my profession a precise and demanding work of art that doesn't allow for improvisation.

The most recent colours I’ve added to my canvas are emotional intelligence "to be more than a guide" for your teams, and behavioural agility "to be more than a manager" for your employees.

Finally, the most beautiful of my colours, which I use in all my coaching (individuals or teams), is the practice of neuroscience: "How to become an ally of the great stranger, your brain".

The more defined your goal, the more structured your action plan becomes. The more you have your sights on the short-, medium- and long-term, the more likely you are to get to where you want to be.