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Testimonial: How can I conduct my job search during the health crisis?
Getting a diploma is one thing, integrating into professional life is another. From Marion MARCHAND's testimonial, we learn about the difficulties linked to this transition period.
Le Project
"Life after Graduation" is a new Pro-act with three KEDGE students whose aim is to provide a practical guide for current Kedgers regarding employability, the labour market, and job interviews. They are gathering testimonials from recently graduated Kedgers with different backgrounds and in different professional situations.
- What did you study at KEDGE?
"I enrolled at KEDGE Bordeaux after taking a two-year prep class. I took "à la carte" courses within the Master of Management Grande Ecole programme, with a focus on project management in communications and events. I took a gap year and did my M2 in a work-study programme. Then I graduated on 30 September 2019.
As for student associations, I ran for the Arts Office (BDA) but lost, so I then spent my M1 year as treasurer of the Confederation of Associations (CDA)."
- What is your current situation?
“I’m currently looking for work.”
- Have you sent out your cv? To which compan(ies)? For what positions? Have you gotten any interviews?
"Yes, of course! I didn't really look for a job right away after I graduated for personal reasons, but I resumed my research around December 2019. I received quite a few responses and interviews for fixed-term and permanent contracts - in Paris for fixed-term and permanent contracts, and in Scotland and the United States for VIEs.
In particular, I've had job interviews with Orange (fixed-term contract), Airbus (VIE), GL Events (permanent contract), Le Louvre Hotel Group (open-ended fixed-term contract), Mantu (VIE), and a few others for VIE and fixed-term contracts."
- Why do you think those interviews didn't result in you being hired?
"I’ve had a good ten interviews, but either my salary expectations have been too high and I refused the job, or another candidate was selected.
For the local contracts, I think it was because I just wasn't extremely motivated and they could tell. I wanted to travel. For the VIEs, unfortunately, every time there was another candidate with more experience. I almost always went through the whole recruitment process – for some positions I had up to four interviews before being told no."
- How did you prepare for the different interviews? What advice would you tell a Kedger to do before an interview?
"Strictly speaking, I didn’t actually practice for the interviews. But I did research on the company beforehand to know a minimum about its activity, positioning, approach, values, etc.
The advice I would give is as follows: Be informed; be yourself; avoid getting stressed out, it's useless; be honest, it's essential!"
- Have you ever used any of the Alumni services to prepare for interviews, get information, or look for a job? How did they help?
"Yes, especially at the very beginning of my search to target a place to work (in the US for example). The Alumni I contacted are very open and very approachable! They gave me very good advice on how to apply for a job in such-a-such a place or company."
- Did you participate in any of the events KEDGE organises to assist in the employability of its students? (MyWay Days, business forms, etc.) Were they helpful?
"No, I didn't participate in any of those types of events after I graduated. I was on a work-study programme, so I getting a job was part of the bargain. That's what I had been led to believe. But unfortunately, I wasn’t able to convert my work-study contract into a permanent one. Thales carried out a major takeover of a competitor in 2019 and then froze hiring, particularly in the department where I was working."
- Do you feel that school helped you understand your entry into the job market?
"Yes. The advisors are very helpful, and the tools provided are very comprehensive, (in particular, Going Global and Wats4U)."
- Since you graduated, what are your regular hobbies? Have you had to give up any extra-curricular activities?
"I'm travelling. I take the time to do what I like to do. I went on a road trip to the United States and was supposed to go on to New Zealand for a year on a Working Holiday Programme (WHP), but unfortunately with the current situation, I had to change my plans. I shortened my stay, and am now in New Caledonia at a friend's house while waiting for New Zealand to reopen its borders so I can do the WHP. I’ve already potentially found a fixed-term contract in my field.
Fortunately, I haven’t had to give up any of my extra-curricular activities.”
- What difficulties have you encountered in your daily life since you graduated (change of pace of life, administrative procedures, financial situation, etc) and how did you overcome them?
"At first, I put my Parisian apartment on Airbnb so I wouldn't have to pay rent, and most of what I earned I saved for my road trip. I didn't have much to pay because I was living at my parents’ until I left. I also got financial aid from the jobcentre to spend time abroad (the advantages of having had a work-study program). Aside from that, my days were quite full. For example, I helped my mother a lot in her work. Everything went very well for me."
Editor’s note :
Marion is ready to answer your questions on what it’s like after graduation. Contact her via:
Email : marchandmarion67@gmail.com
LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/marion-marchand/
We are interested in your experiences!
If you have recently graduated (less than two years) and would like to provide us with a testimonial, please contact us by email at the following address: lifeaftergraduationkedgebs@gmail.com
or directly on our social networks:
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