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Olivier Wajnsztok has just published his second book on purchasing - an event that is already causing a stir
Olivier Wajnsztok, a graduate of KEDGE's MAI class of 1996 and Managing Director of AgileBuyer, is releasing his second book, " Achats ", which will be available from 21 October, published by Eyrolles.
An essential release
Olivier Wajnsztok's second book, entitled " Achats" (Purchasing) is already on everyone’s lips. The author took advantage of the Covid crisis to write this second book, in which he put together in a simple and clear manner a book that is packed with innovative concepts and purchasing fundamentals.
An event not to be missed
A book signing will take place on the day of the book launch, 21 October at the Librairie Eyrolles Boulevard St Germain. This is a golden opportunity to have a real conversation with the author and to have your book signed by him.
"Achats" will provide you with the innovative insight of purchasing experts and will deliver, among other things, the advice of eight well-known professionals in the field. With its simple explanation of novel and fundamental purchasing concepts, it is easily understood and will certainly help train the next generation of buyers.
It’s an essential book that will surely become a reference for all buyers.
Olivier Wajnsztok is also the owner of AgileBuyer, a purchasing consultancy company that has been in business for 15 years. AgileBuyer provides Purchasing and Interim Purchasing Management teams. Assignments can last from 3 to more than 12 months. Its Purchasing team members and Transition Managers can solve your problems with work overload, lack-of-skills, or lack of resources. AgileBuyer's methodology and know-how in the field of Purchasing enable us to deal with a wide range of Purchasing families.
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