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Olivier Vojetta, a KEDGE Alumni and writer has just published his latest novel
Following the success of his first two novels, "Courir encore" and " Sept endroits où disparaître", Olivier Vojetta (class of 2000) is back with "Aimer encore", which he describes as a love story at the crossroads between a thriller and a romance novel.
Hello Olivier, can you start by introducing yourself?
I was born in Nancy in 1976. After completing my degree at KEDGE, I moved to London to work in the finance industry. However, I quickly realised that working with numbers wasn’t enough for me. I started working with words. I became a “slasheur”, banker by day/ writer by night. A couple of my short stories were published as a book, and my novel ‘’Aimer encore’’, which was released in November 2022, is my latest baby! I’m also a literary columnist for a few major publishers (Gallimard, Fleuve, etc.) and host a cultural event, “Philo Bistro” every three months with the Alliance Française in Sydney.
Was becoming a writer what you always imagined doing?
In my case, being a writer isn’t a job, it's more of a lifestyle. For as long as I can remember, I’ve written every day, without exception. I write about what took place during the day to make sense of things. It’s an absolute must to capture the nuances of what took place and record the small moments, even if they seem unimportant. It’s essential, especially in today’s world.
Where do you find your inspiration?
In everyday life, and in my wildest dreams. In conversations over a coffee and in human interest stories in the papers. But also in the silences, the things left unsaid. My inspiration comes from what is visible, but also from what is hidden in the shadows, invisible. It’s somewhere in between, at the crossroads, that my stories are born.
Can you tell us about your novel?
“Aimer encore” is first and foremost the reflection of a love story; the demonstration of narcissistic decay. It’s a cross between a thriller and a romance novel. I’m fascinated by the torments of the mind caused by the internet age, and how people drive themselves crazy on their own -the narcissistic fault, if you will. With this book, my goal is to hold a mirror to today’s world.
Where can we find your novel?
It's being published by a small publisher who is just starting out, so you have to order it from the La Grande Vague publishing website. I will also be in Bordeaux for a meet-and-greet to sign copies at the Cultura de Bègles-Bordeaux event on Wednesday, 11 January from 10 am to 6 pm (more dates throughout France to come). Be sure to save the date and hope to see you there! Thanks.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
Malraux said, “My greatest story, is my life story”. I would like the exact same thing for the next five years – to live a full life. Books to read and to write, people to meet, experiences to live. Where will I be in five years? 2027 - that’s too far in the future for me to imagine. I’d rather concentrate on each day as it comes where I can start something positive.
Any last words for your readers and KEDGE Alumni and students?
Thank you for your interest in what I do. We often say that a good book is one that the readers finish writing through their perspectives, their imagination, and their dreams. And I have to agree. That’s how I view writing. I’m not handing out any lessons or giving advice. I’m just shining a light on what exists. It’s up to each reader to reach their own conclusions…
A special hello to all the Alumni, students, and faculty at KEDGE, to the team at La Ruche who supported my work, and to my friends from the Grande Ecole class of 1999/2000 and Alumni from Aquitaine Marketing Services (AMS).
I hope my book is valuable and exposes the different manipulations that exist on the Internet, cause tipping points, and sound alarm bells. Enjoy!

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