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A look back at the KEDGE Alumni afterwork at the Gina Bar in Bordeaux
Our Bordeaux Afterwork was held on 13 June at the Gina Bar and was organised by our volunteer facilitators and the KEDGE Alumni team.
Organised by two KEDGE graduates and hosts of the Bordeaux branch (Evelyne Manalich Nold, Class of 1994 and Thomas Bonnaud, Class of 1999) as well as our Alumni Branch coordinator (Morgane Samuel), this KEDGE Alumni Afterwork was attended by nearly 60 KEDGE graduates.
A successful evening in an idyllic location 🥂
In the heart of Bassins à Flot, perched on the rooftop of the Gina Bar with a breath-taking view of the Cité du Vin and the Chaban Delmas bridge, our graduates got together for this Afterwork, to meet and network over cocktails.

Photos of the event can be found
at the end of this article.
"It was a pleasure to be able to meet our graduates and speak with them, to see their progress since leaving school, and to understand their needs for tomorrow. To meet them is also to understand, through their feedback, that we bring a lot to our graduates and that, importantly, they give back to us. Thanks to our graduates for their commitment and for this great occasion.
The entire KEDGE Alumni team was present for this meeting, including Georges Klenkle, the network's President, whom we thank for his presence and support.”
“I would also like to thank the hosts of the Bordeaux branch, Evelyne and Thomas, without whom this event would not have been possible. And lastly, I extend thanks to the Gina bar for the faultless service and the exquisite cocktails.”
Morgane Samuel - KEDGE Alumni Head of Section– KEDGE Alumni Branches.
The Bordeaux Branch 📍
With thousands of KEDGE graduates in the Bordeaux region, our Branch aims to offer a dynamic network that is continually growing with festive and gourmet Afterworks, lively presentations, expert conferences, and any idea that is suggested to us!
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