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2024 is all about you: your successes, your commitments!

2024, what a year! Let's take a look back at your highlights in the KEDGE Alumni community.

Many thanks for your commitment and dynamism throughout the year. Together, we have made 2024 a year rich in encounters, opportunities and success! 🚀

2024 at a glance:

a year of success for the KEDGE Alumni community.

  • 🎓 +90,000 graduates, our network grows every year
  • 🤝 +4,500 participants in KEDGE Alumni events
  • 🌎182 events in France and abroad

They shine in their careers

Graduate Malick NDIAYE appointed Minister in Senegal's government 🇸🇳

Graduate Murielle Vuong appointed CSR Director at Sephora Collection 🌟

KEDGE graduate Stéphane de la Faverie becomes new CEO of Estée Lauder 🚀

💛 Your favorites of the year

6 graduates carrying the Olympic flame, light up the 2024 Olympics! 🔥

Rematch, founded by two graduates, on M6 in "Qui veut être mon associé"! 📺

KEDGE Alumni unveils its TOP30 most committed kedgers! 🌟

📆 Were you there? A look back at a memorable year

🌎 From Paris to Miami, via dozens of cities around the world, 2024 was marked by powerful moments of sharing, learning and connecting within the KEDGE Alumni community.

🌟 A huge thank you to the +2000 participants who made these gatherings unique and inspiring moments. Your enthusiasm and commitment are at the heart of our network.

We would also like to extend a special word of thanks to our on-air presenters, whose involvement and dedication have orchestrated these events with brio. Thanks to you, the KEDGE community continues to grow and shine! 👏

🚀 The network's advantages that have impressed you

🎧 Access to a selection of databases, videos, books, podcasts

👩‍💻 Boost your career: 100% online digital training courses

Expatriation, retraining and career planning: our favorite services 👇

🚀 2024 is drawing to a close, so set your sights on 2025 with ambition and enthusiasm!

Once again this year, our network has shone with its dynamism, initiatives and successes. As we close this chapter filled with great achievements, we're already looking ahead to the opportunities and surprises that 2025 has in store for us. 🚀


🌟 A big THANK YOU to everyone for your energy, commitment and enthusiasm. A special thank you to the members of the Alumni Association Board of Directors :
Thomas Bonnaud, Fabrice Deblock, Anthony Deydier, Sylvie Ducos, Grégoire Durival, Bertrand Espitalier, Bérangère Ferrier, Vincent Goalard, Julie Katz, Georges Klenklé, Évelyne Manalich Nold, Rozenn Maréchal, Dimitri Mieral, Jean-François Thunet, Florian Turcon, Isabelle Voet.


To all, we wish you a year 2025, filled with success, inspiration and unforgettable connections. ✨

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