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A year marked by AI

Round table & Networking

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing our society. Its evolution is the subject of numerous debates and is at the heart of current events: political, economic, industrial, social...

As 2023 draws to a close, we'd like to invite you to a round-table discussion on the theme:


Taking stock of a year marked by Artificial Intelligence

📑 Program

  • 6:30pm: Round table: 3 experts will talk about AI and answer your questions.
  • 7.15pm: Networking for all sectors : Participants will be randomly divided into pairs or trios, for a quick presentation and exchange of contacts, in 15-minute sessions, until 8pm. An opportunity to make unexpected and enriching encounters!

Registration deadline : 12th December 2023

Registration closed


  • Laurence DEVILLIER
    Professor of Artificial Intelligence and Ethics at Sorbonne University and the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS-LISN, Paris-Saclay)

    Laurence Devillers is head of the "Affective and social dimensions in oral interaction" research team and of the AI HUMAINE chair: HUman-MAchine Affective Interaction & Ethics. She is a member of the CNPEN (Comité National de Pilotage pour l'Ethique Numérique). She is also a member of AFNOR and JTC21/CEN-CENELEC, responsible for a working group on "Foundational and societal impacts of AI". Laurence Devillers' research interests include emotion detection in audio, nudge strategies, conversational agents and social robots. She has participated in several national and European projects on social and emotional interactions between humans and robots. She is also President of the Blaise Pascal Foundation on mediation in mathematics and computer science. She has written several essays, including "Des robots et des hommes" (Plon 2017) and "Les robots émotionnels" (L'observatoire, 2020).

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  • Nicolas GAUDEMET
    (Partner Chief AI Officer, Onepoint

    X-Corps des Ponts, Nicolas Gaudemet trained at the Institut Multi-Médias and holds a Stanford certificate in AI. After working for the French Treasury and public broadcasting, he joined Orange as deputy director of digital content and services, then sales director for Orange Nord de France. He then became head of the Culture division at Fnac Darty, before heading the cabinet of Mounir Mahjoubi, Secretary of State for the Digital Economy. He is also a writer, author of La Fin des idoles. Nicolas joined Onepoint in 2020 as a partner specializing in Data & Artificial Intelligence issues, as well as the Services, Media & Telecom sector, in particular the creative industries. He is also active with our public sector clients. In 2023, he is appointed Chief AI Officer, to support the AI transformation of the company and our customers.

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  • Emmanuel VIVIER
    Co-fondateur de HUB Institute

    Co-founder of the HUB Institute & Digital Transformation Expert at the head of HUB Corporate Training and the HUBFORUM conference (after 10 years at the head of the Vanksen agency (France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, USA), Emmanuel Vivier is recognized as one of the international experts in digital transformation and digital marketing. For 24 years, he has been advising major brands such as TF1, L'Oréal, Carrefour, Orange, Chanel, P&G, Nestlé, Renault, Bouygues, PWC, Air France, Prisma, etc. on their digital transformation and 360° communications strategies. Emmanuel Vivier has trained over 10,000 executives in more than 20 countries and over 2,000 people in AI, data and generative AI. In the field of generative AI, Emmanuel leads the HUB Institute's Academy, which has trained and acculturated more than 50 major companies on the subject in less than 6 months. For several months now, Emmanuel has been writing a newsletter on generative AI, which has over 5,000 subscribers.

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