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Aperitif & round table: Reflections on leadership

What is leadership in 2024?

Discover the evolution of the agri-food sector during this online aperitif and conference*. Meet us on

from 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Valentin Bélanger (expert in project management and planning in the wine & spirits and coffee sectors), Maxime Durand (co-founder and CEO of PourDemain et Transition) and Stéphane Hervé (CEO of recruitment firm Manageria) will be on hand to talk about developments in the sector and answer your questions.
The round table will be followed by a networking session to exchange contacts across all sectors.
To take part in this event, please register by clicking here 👇


* This aperitif/conference will be organized on Zoom: make sure you have downloaded it.

The round table will be followed by a networking session during which participants will be randomly divided into pairs or trios, for a quick presentation and exchange of contacts, in 15-minute sessions. An opportunity to make unexpected and enriching encounters!


📆 Program:

- 6.30pm: Round table
- 7.15pm: Networking

A few reminders to help you make the most of this moment of exchange:

  • Prepare a short brief to introduce yourself (profile, sectors and companies of interest) and get straight to the point ✔️
  • For the networking, you will be invited to join a room to meet one or two other alumni. Click on "accept" to start networking. Play along, don't leave your fellow alumni alone
    with their drinks ;) 💬
  • Once you're in the networking room, start by exchanging contacts, to avoid being disconnected first! The administrator disconnects the rooms every 12 to 15 minutes, so it would be a
    it would be a shame to have exchanged with someone and not have taken their email... A message will warn you 60 seconds before the automatic disconnection, but better safe than sorry. ⏱️
  • Every 12 to 15 minutes, you'll change rooms to meet other alumni, until 8pm. 🔄

Event organized by WHATS4U: Whats4U is a project that brings together 18 alumni associations from prestigious engineering and management Grandes Écoles. For over 15 years, Whats4U has been connecting alumni and recruiters via its job platform and events.

Whats4u members are the associations of Polytechnique, HEC Paris, CentraleSupélec, EDHEC Business School, Arts et Métiers, emlyon Business School, École Centrale Lille, ESCP, École Centrale Lyon, ESSEC, École des Mines Nancy, KEDGE, Mines Paris-PSL, École des Ponts ParisTech, Sciences Po, École des Mines Saint Étienne, AFLZ Polytechnique Lausanne Zürich, ENA-INSP.

  • Free

Registration deadline : 29th May 2024

Registration closed


  • Valentin BELANGER

    Blaise Agresti is an expert in mountain rescue and crisis management. For over 20 years, he has
    in charge of various operational units, including the Peloton de Gendarmerie de Haute Montagne (PGHM)
    (PGHM) and the Centre national d'instruction aux premiers secours (CNISAG) in Chamonix, Haute-Savoie. As head of operations for major disasters, he has also managed numerous training projects (India, China, Nepal, etc.). A graduate of the Ecole Spéciale Militaire in Saint-Cyr, then of the Ecole de Guerre, in 2017 he founded Mountain Path, a high-altitude coaching school. A mountain guide and author of several books (In extremis, Guérin, 2022, Une histoire du secours en montagne, Glénat, 2018), Krisis, manuel de gestion de crise 2009, Guider en premier de cordée 2022, Mardaga), he also teaches leadership in uncertainty and crisis management in companies and in various schools.

    Linkedin :
  • Maxime DURAND

    Charles-Édouard Girard holds an engineering degree from Centrale Paris. He began his career with a consulting firm as a digital marketing specialist, working with a number of companies in the pharmaceutical and publishing sectors. He then embarked on an entrepreneurial adventure, setting up two e-commerce companies. These different experiences enabled him to acquire in-depth knowledge of the digital sector and a strong background in business management. Based in Paris, Charles-Edouard is a father of three and an avid home swapper. In 2018, he won the "Prix Groupama Créateur de Confiance" for GuesttoGuest / HomeExchange, which he co-founded.

    Linkedin :
  • Stéphane HERVE
    Director - ManageriA

    A graduate of HEC, Delphine Mourot is an executive coach, teacher and author, as well as a former banker and lawyer. She is also Director of HEC au Royaume-Uni. Delphine has learned first-hand the challenges executives face when running a highly competitive and fast-paced business in a global environment, when managing multiple and complex stakeholder relationships, and when dealing with sensitive team, leadership and risk issues. Delphine chaired Morgan Stanley EMEA's Employee Family Network Committee. As a coach, Delphine works with international clients, C-Suite, Managing Directors and Executive Directors. Delphine is co-author ofTake the Lead, published in February 2024, in collaboration with Anne-Valerie Corboz and Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj.

    Linkedin :

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